Ettrick and Yarrow Valleys
Welcome to the Ettrick and Yarrow Valleys
beautiful peace of scotland


Food and Drink Map

The map below shows the places where you can stop for food and drink in the valleys.  Place the little hand over the marker and this will show the name of the food and drink outlet.  Click on the marker and this will display a short description of what is on offer and provide contact details.

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17 March 2017

Theatre - Dracula…. The Travesty!

Bowhill little Theatre ages 13+ 8pm

Light, funny and daft but with strong storytelling and some genuinely scary moments, this is gothic storytelling at its best: imaginative, atmospheric and physically exciting. Appealing to family audiences (13+) it features all the elements of the story; wolves, bats, and the Brides of Dracula with plenty of humour and music.

Date: 17 March 2017

Above: Click on a date if it has a green background to view events.


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